Repairs of Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Did I mention? that I'm not a doctor, I'm an engineer! I have a degree in engineering and in my earlier career I analyzed, tested and wrote repair procedures for communication satellites, the space shuttle and nuclear submarine missile components.

Rest assured your DME repair is in good hands.

Bradford personally repairs and services all the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) repairs for any equipment sold and rented on this site and much more! Operating Bradford Medical Supply (BMS) for the last 10 years I have learned alot about the DME I rent and sell. I can and have performed:

  • Invacare Hospital Bed Repair
  • FlexaBed Luxury Hospital Bed Repair
  • Golden Technologies Lift Chair Repair
  • Mobility Chair Repair
  • Golden Technologies Lift Chair Repair
  • Electric Scooter Repair
  • Hoyer Lift Repair
  • Wheelchair Repair and Maintenance

Ensuring the safety and reliability of the equipment recieved for repair are the primary focus of my repairs of equipment I am charged with.

Bradford takes a professional engineering aproach with respect to DME repair.

  • Inspect/Test/Analyze DME
  • Perform Failure Analysis
  • Determine if warranty is still in effect
  • Recommend repair or replace
  • Repair as Required
  • Repair on site if possible
  • Improve design if possible